Try clay tobacco vending machines in Japan...very unique...

by - 03.46

No indiscriminate people can buy cigarettes, at least in Japan. State "Rising Sun" has a way of preventing children from buying cigarettes, one of which is proposed is to use facial recognition system.

Photo: Machine Cigarette Sellers in Japan

Automatic tobacco vending machines will measure the wrinkles, the wrinkles in the corner of the eyes, and slack skin to assess whether the purchaser is old enough.

Minimum age for smoking in Japan is 20 years and this used a company to develop a system identifier buyer age by studying facial features.

The business is conducted in line will disebarnya 570 thousand vending machines across Japan. The law requires that the machine should be able to ensure that the purchaser is old enough.

Buyers are required to look into a digital camera connected to the machine. The system built Fujitaka Co. will compare the characters facial features such as wrinkles around the face, skull structure and slack skin.

"We have more than 100 thousand data on people's faces," said a spokesman for Fujitaka Co., Hajime Yamamoto, as reported by Reuters.

"With face recognition system, provided little money and are old enough, you can buy cigarettes as before. Tactic borrow a small child with no identity cards can also be overcome," says Yamamoto.

Japan's finance ministry has given permission for the "smart card" that can identify the age, or "taspo", in addition to giving permission to a system that can read the age from the SIM card.

The ministry has not allowed facial identification method due to not yet sure of its accuracy.

Yamamoto said the system could recognize 90 percent of buyers properly, the remaining 10 percent into "gray area", ie, they are "children who seem mature or adult-looking child." The machine will ask them to insert the SIM card, to ensure the age of prospective buyers who are "gray".

Underage smokers has decreased the number in Japan, but a health ministry survey in 2004 showed that 13 percent of the students and 4 percent of high school third grader smoking every day. Their ages ranged between 17 and 18 years.

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